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Mimi’s Tribute on Cremation Day, July 28th, 2017

Brian Cito:

You have never had the patience to wait for anything – 

Ironically, this the final departure has taken nearly 2 weeks! 

I hope you will forgive me please!

You are now in the “Hall of Fame”! 

I am honored that a book about your life and your latest Haiti collection will be published in the “Edition D’Or” by Corinphila in Switzerland. 

Moreover, Brian Moorhouse and his Large Gold Haiti collection will be preserved and accessed for time immemorial at the Internet Museum of Philately in Genève, Switzerland.

What an accolade to hear people allay any concerns about a philatelic item by simply exclaim:

” Moorhouse it”! 

“Moorhouse” has become a verb for your iconic knowledge and your authentication authority.

Respect, must be earned – and you have done just that! 

A celebration of life will be held for you on 2nd October at the Royal with the display of Haiti collection and we shall have a toast in honor to you, Brian Moorhouse, the icon and legend who has touched so many people’s life around the world and we shall miss you forever!

I thank you for your blessings to my intention of carrying on doing the business in a limited function.

My biggest ambition yet, is to host our booth at London 2020 on my own! 

I will be taking your “ashes embedded in a glass” to travel, keep on collecting beyond 267 countries and to see the world, and I will continue giving lectures in different countries when I can, and, to finish writing my book…   

I am going to stay living in our house here in England – I love our house in how we have put it together. 

I shall find you inside and outside of our house, walking paths and along the river bank in Ferry meadows. 

You will be omnipresence wherever I am in the world – Find Me!

I considered it our blessings that I could care for and being with you on this heart-breaking 6 months journey from the start to the end. I would not have survived all these months in keeping on fighting along-side you, had it not been your incredible positive attitude – It was you, who has been pulling me along. You have been such a courageous fighter – even down to your last breath!

Thank you for always have taken great pride in me. You have offered me unlimited freedom, support and confidence to reach far and aim high. I am forever grateful to your love and encouragement to realize my hobby turned professional in being a Classical Chinese Feng Shui Master, in creating and producing my own Feng Shui Luopan compass and ultimately, writing my book.

We are – a synergy as one. You wrote, «You and only you can read the hieroglyphics engraved in my heart»… and I was amazed and heartened to have had found an unique way to communicate with the conscious but seemingly «Sleeping» you – up to your dying hour. 

We shared a perfect 31 years of unconditional love to each other –

You wrote to me on Valentine’s Day this year – «A simple Twist of Fate brought us together…a dropped ring on the floor of an elevator on the other side of the world, followed by being sat in adjoining seats on a flight from Hong Kong to Tokyo. Both million to 1 shots but how perfect! How precious! How magic!» 

We both agreed that our long marathon romance has been a truly memorable and wonderful fairy tale bliss! 

We have lived the life we chose and loved each other with such intense passion, which we only wished they could have continued longer. I shall cherish and find comfort in all the sweet memories we’ve made and shared in this life time.

Wait for me – we shall continue when I join you in due time.

Each day when I wake up, I would say to you as I light some incenses: 

“Another new morning – another new day, and I miss you.”  

The it would be our coffee time together!

Regrets? We have none. 

Brian-Cito: My precious, tender loving, darling husband, lover, protector, mentor, soulmate, business partner,  listener, pain-soother, handyman, fun-loving friend, dancing partner, 150+ diving buddy,  travel companion of 267 countries,  an icon and legend respected by many from the four corners of the world, a Rolling Stones look-alike, a brave and courageous man to lean my head on, a creative problem solving «Google» of my life… my loudest cheer-leader, someone who has adored me and cherished me, most of all – spoiled me rotten….

Erich von Hungen once wrote: 

“Being at very least, The Mick Jagger of Philately, you do have a heavy fan-base!»  It is so very true!

Look at the out-pours of hundreds of heartfelt emails and messages in your Memory Guestbook, written eloquently in meaningful words – expressing their highest respect to your achievement and personality, nonetheless, of their observation of our loving relationship – I take great pride in sharing these wonderful memories as your loving wife. I am very proud of you, always.

They will “fuel and comfort” me in months to come and to the rest of my life. 

Yes, after 45 years of devotion to philately, the legend and Rock Star of Philately has made his final bow to the final curtain.

I love you forever, I promise!

Wo Ai Nee Hung Dor! Yeah Yung Yuen! (In Chinese)

I’ll be alright, don’t worry about me, just let go and follow peace …

I firmly believe in what you’ve always told me, that I’ll always land on my 4 feet – ‘cause I’m the cat!

A wen! (A kiss in Chinese)

Goodbye’s too good a word, babe -So I’ll just say fare thee well! (Bob Dylan)

Your Cat, the cats and the pussy cat…    Mimi

Scattering the Ashes in Rosedale UK and Cayote Point USA